Snowy Landscapes in Latvia

A cold Winter, finally! Every year I come back home to Latvia for Christmas and New Year holiday break, hoping for sub-zero weather conditions and maybe a little bit of snow. For the last few years I didn't have much success, but this time it was different (in every possible way).
Considering the whole situation in the world, I realise how lucky I was to be able to travel at all, not even mention the hope to see this Baltic Winter charm. The weather forecast looked promising and finally my patience paid off – temperature dropped and one night there was a generous snowfall. Next morning I went for a walk around Riga's suburb of Ulbroka, with its quiet countryside-like roads, woods, fields and half-frozen lake. It was all I hoped for, even though the weather lasted for a few days only.
In terms of equipment, I had my beloved Canon A1 with 35mm f2.0 FD lens and Pentax 67 with kit 105 f2.4 lens. 90% images in this blog post were shot on 35mm film (Kodak Ultramax 400) with a few medium format bits (Kodak Portra 400) – two different stocks, but Canadian Film Lab, which took care of my film, did a great job at making them look as close as possible.